Wish List: In Love with Leather Skirts

clockwise: Boundary & Co // Theory // Asos  // Threadsence

So I’m pretty much crushing on leather skirts right now. Leather, faux leather, vegan leather—I don’t care, I just love the look of a flirty feminine pleat in a juxtaposing tough girl fabric like leather. And since the all-fashionable majority deemed them everyday approp back in oh… fall/winter 2012 perhaps, they are everywhere. I salivated over one Urban Outfitters incarnation for weeks, only to finally head into the store and find it sold out--can’t remember if I went back and looked online for it; I may have been too distraught to bother with logical thinking post-trip. Whatevs. My point? I’m still in the market for a single leather skirt that wants to couple up and canoodle with me, and yes, I am finally open to an online courtship. These lovelies are totally tickling my fancy.

Which is your favorite?

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