My Style // Sunday Stripes & Sparkle

style -

top: American Eagle |

skirt: H&M (old) |

jackettights: Francesca's |

nude pumps: Steve Madden |

bag: DSW (similar here)

Lately I've been digging the idea of sweaters/sweatshirts and tees paired with fuller skirts, so I decided to give it a whirl for late brunch/early dinner with the fam on Sunday. It's not often that I buy separates, but I've had this H&M tulip style skirt forever that I love, and I recently snagged the top on a whim to wear with jeans. Kismet, I think, because the two paired perfectly. I like the way the top blends without being overly matchy matchy with the skirt, and that the nude of the shoes is a slightly darker tone than the beige of the skirt. Most of all, this ensemble was comfy (hello, elastic waistband)!! Perfect for stuffing myself with amazing food and drink. Which I did. I blame the bartender who kept bringing us free treats in celebration of the little Sis' birthday.