My Style // Red White & (Joules) Rain Boots

Style -

trench: Forever 21 |

skater dress: Asos |

tights: Hue |

navy spot printed rain boots: Joules c/o

I adore rain boots. I got an uber cute polka dot pair from Loehmann's (seen 


) about 5 years or so ago that I loved! I loved them to death, actually. They hung in there with me for a long time but finally started to show signs of real wear last season. I'd say 5 years was a good run! But I knew I would want a fresh new pair for this fall. Enter 


 and their absolutely adorable selection.

These red, white and navy 

rain boots

 caught my eye immediately. I love the classic colors, the chic striping down the back, and the whimsical polka dots--they're my new favorite thing! So perfect for all the fall rains we have been having here in Maryland lately, and they even do well for traipsing through the woods (in dresses. ha!)

This particular pair of boots also works well for me because of the adjustable strap at the top of the shaft. I've got wide calves, and skinny ankles, so it can be hard for me to fit into rain boots; then when I do, sometimes I have to deal with a lot of buckling. The strap helps with both! 

The UK-based brand has been shipping to the US for a while now, but they are launching in department stores here this year, so soon you'll be able to run into the store and grab their adorable wares. For now you can visit their


. Check out the selection of

rain boots

, and tell me--

which pair is your favorite?