Fresh and from Scratch | Posh Kitchen

Without a lot of plans this weekend, and since I'm mid-Whole 30, I took some time to really focus on my health. I made dishes from scratch for every meal, and even tried out a few new recipes (like this super simple one for baked salmon with dill and one that I kind of free-styled for Whole 30 pancakes).

fresh Campari tomatoes / fresh ingredients for mango pineapple salsa / coconut shrimp (wish the market had butterfly shrimp but, I had to do with regular large ones), mango salsa and steamed broccoli / ingredients for Whole 30 pancakes / Whole 30 approved pancakes from scratch, topped with fresh fruit / roasted Brussels and sweet potatoes to accompany our baked salmon with dill and stir-fried cabbage

I also got in workouts every day, including a 3 mile walk with the young man on Sunday at the trail near our home. I feel so invigorated and hope to be able to carve out time to do the same things on a daily basis, without letting the hustle and bustle of our schedules get in the way. I've learned that the key to getting in a daily workout for me is to make sure I knock it out first thing in the morning; and that I can cook every day as long as meals are planned in advance (as opposed to trying to conceive and shop for meals the day we are to eat them). 

Looking forward to taking good habits into the new week! What are you most looking forward to?