Style Savvy Home: Spring Decor Inspiration

The sunlight and longer days of late are making me yearn for spring cleaning and bright airy home decor updates. I've been to Burlington Coat Factory twice in the past two weeks, and spent way more than I intended on new pillows and cute little animal accents like a blinged out turtle and meditating frogs (don't judge me) for my balcony. I can not wait to be outside, sipping smoothies and enjoying the spring breeze. I would also love to update my living similarly to some of the pastel schemes in the photos above, but my young man would never have it. LOL. Still, I am overflowing with inspiration for fun little tweaks for the new season. Spaces that mix prints and patterns with bright colors are most eye-catching for me at the moment.  

What's your favorite way to update your decor for spring?

*Photos via Pinterest. See more of what's inspiring me by following me there!