Posh Product Review: Mario Badescu Beauty {Guest Post}

In my last guest post, I revealed my Mario Badescu Black Friday haul. For $60, I snagged full sized: Control Moisturizer for Oily Skin; Glycolic Grapefruit Cleansing Lotion; Drying Lotion; and Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs, and Rosewater.

For the past 5-6 weeks, those are the only products that I have been using on my face besides an occasional wipe down with witch hazel. Let me just say it: I AM IN LOVE WITH MARIO BADESCU PRODUCTS! I cannot wait to order more or grab a few things from my local Nordstrom store. Check out my review of the products below:

my apologies for the iPhone pics! Hopefully you can see that many of my blemishes are gone, and my skin is less oily and shiny.

Glycolic Foaming Cleanser – This is an amazing cleanser that has really helped my oily skin. Coupled with my Clarisonic brush, this cleanser lathers really well and leaves my skin clean, yet not stripped. (I’m also thinking that this product could be a good cleanser for the back. Summer is on its way ladies—might as well start preparing now!)

Glycolic Grapefruit Cleansing Lotion - I will admit this toner is strong, so if you have sensitive skin, you should look for a different MB toner. However, my skin loves this one. The Glycolic Acid helps to reduce the build-up of dead skin cells, and I’ve noticed that my skin tone has become more even with continued use of the product.

Control Moisturizer for Oily Skin – This one isn’t necessarily a “wow” inducing product; however in dealing with my oily skin, this moisturizer is easy and simple to use. It is very lightweight, so it doesn’t clog my pores.

Drying LotionEVERY WOMAN NEEDS THIS MIRACLE WORKING PRODUCT IN HER MEDICINE CABINET! You will be tempted to shake this product, but don’t. Just take a cotton swab, dab lightly to the lotion, and then apply to your blemishes and whiteheads. Your man may not find you all that sexy in the moment with pink dots all over your face--but it will be worth it because the product works!!! It does not eliminate the blemishes overnight, but definitely in two to three days max!

Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs, and Rosewater – This is a great skin refresher--perfect for renewing skin after a long flight or at the end of a dry winter day.

After my prolonged use of Mario Badescu products, I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed. I have noticed massive changes in my skin: it’s softer, smoother, and has a beautiful glow! It is always nice when you try out a product, and find that it actually lives up to its claims!

Have you tried Mario Badescu products? Which ones and what was your experience?

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