Happy Thanksgiving! 10 Things I am Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has safe travels, and enjoys a beautifully indulgent (but not too indulgent!)  holiday full of quality time and all the things you're grateful for. I am looking forward to spending it with The Honey (for whom I am eternally grateful and I thank the Universe for him out loud every single day) and his family.

I try to express gratitude every day for even the littlest of pleasures and good things in my life. I've learned that you have to enjoy where you are in order to attract the positive energy to get to where you're going. Here are 10 things I am thankful for on a daily basis (in no particular order):

1. My handsome, driven and considerate honey {but you already read about that, so moving on :-)}

2. My rockstar parents who have not ever been afraid of a little 2-hour drive to Baltimore to visit me and the little guy in the 17 years that I've lived here (don't do the math--just know that I am old, lol)

3. My superstar teen who has like the most minimal amount of angst (so far!) and still lets me plant big kisses all over his forehead when no one is watching

4. My gorgeous, intelligent and funny girlfriends. These chicas are the total package. No kidding.

5. Sparkly, shiny, glittery objects like the disco balls pictured above {photo source} . They are so distracting, in the best kind of way. Sunshine on a cloudy day, if you will.

6. Starbucks grande soy, 5-pump, no whip white mocha; and the caramel brulee and eggnog holiday beverages. Oh and that little bundle of sweet holiday joy they call Cranberry Bliss.

7. Soy based frozen yogurt (it tastes SO much better than it sounds--unless you're a health foods nut like me, in which case you're probably already googling it)

8. High heels. If God was gonna make people 5'3" and under, it was only fair that he made 6" heels to give us a little boost when we needed it. Many many thanks for this, God.

9. Words. And an innate ability to paint a picture with them that helps people to understand exactly what I mean, and maybe...just maybe...understand me a little bit better as a whole person

10. This blog, and all the super cool awesome folks who read it. You could've been anywhere else in the world, but you're here with me.

Big hugs!