Change and Goal Setting: Why Not Start Planning Now?

beautiful view from our hotel balcony in Paris

So much of what I dreamed of for 2012 has come to fruition, and travel abroad was a huge part of that dream (Paris was on my vision board!). Visiting another part of the world, seeing other cultures and observing some of the most beautiful sights in the world--it was impossible, I think, to return unchanged. I feel invigorated and excited to begin planning for 2013, set new goals and aim even higher. 

Why not, start planning for what you wish to accomplish next year? You could:

- Start saving magazines and inspiring photos for your next vision board
- Buy a new planner/calendar--perhaps one with a pretty or personalized cover that will inspire you all year long
- Begin to reflect on how you have fared against your goals for this year and how you might want to adjust for the next phase of your plan
- Clean / organize your desk or office. You'd be surprised at what you come across that you may have forgotten about that speaks to your goals
- Re-read old journal entries and reflection exercises as a reminder of how far you have come
- Complete an annual assessment. I like the one Rosetta at Happy Black Woman did for 2011, and have tried to do monthly assessments as often as possible too, also using her guide for this. It works. 

"There are only 3 things that can make your dreams come true: your thoughts, your words, and your actions." 
- TUT,  Note from the Universe