Style Savvy Atlanta - Outtakes

AB, DB And I had tons of fun at 'Fro Fashion Week (check out my recap of the events here), but we also enjoyed playing with the camera and taking lots of photos just for fun. Some came out well--some, not so much--but they do a good job of capturing the overall spirit of our trip. Enjoy our style savvy Atlanta outtakes!

AB in her "blogger pose"--against the wall, one foot up, don't look at the camera!

elevator mirror photo fail. my flash wouldn't let me be great

elevator photo fail #2. We just couldn't get it right...but look at the sexy pouty lips on AB and DB. okay ladies!

the celebrity treatment: my "glam squad" getting me ready for the red carpet. AB on face and DB on the hair 

DB doing her best "Nubian princess" pose with her haute head wrap on

look at DB's amazing calves!! (don't look at the random luggage on the floor or the empty pizza box...). cute shoes too!

iPhone addicts

so...I dance sometimes. but only to certain songs. and only real prissy like

AB's sweet younger sis, LL who thought I was 27 (bless her heart), but when she found out I am several paces ahead of that, insisted she had to call me "Miss Kim". I felt both flattered and like I should have run out for an early bird special *shrug *

thephatshionpeacock (check her on IG) giving you MAY-JUH face, honey

AB's vanity turned into a super cool pic! love this

night time in ATL--the view from our hotel balcony