Paris, Milan, Rome!

Happy Friday Lovies! Hope you have had the best of weeks. Mine has been more hectic than usual because I am headed to Europe on Sunday! I have been working and researching and making lists and packing and buying things to pack--and I'm still not finished. But I am beyond excited to get everything completed and head off on this magical trip for 10 days, with 5 of my girlfriends to 3 amazing cities. 

So I am headed on vacation and you are in for a treat. A few of my loves agreed to pen fabulous guest posts for me for while I am away. These ladies are all fantastic writers and/or bloggers as well, and I'm so excited to share their different perspectives and writing styles with you. Over the next two weeks, please check in to enjoy:

My little sister Tati's perspective on the transition from summer to fall / college student to grown-up style. 

While I am traveling abroad, my former college buddy, Reginia, is actually LIVING abroad now. She gives her tips on how to effectively plan for a life outside the U.S. 

My good friend Leeann--blogger, Momo Momma, kick-butt black girl running and MD to Cali transport--writes about what it takes to maintain amazing friendships

The bestie, GG, in her beautifully raw and transparent way, reminds us of how important it is to have a positive outlook on life--internal dialogue determines the external experience! 

And finally, I will be doing my best to give updates and post photos from my travel. Have a wonderful weekend!

*photo (source)