Denim and Stripes | Style Savvy Weekend Rewind

This weekend was fairly laid back and super casual. On Saturday during the day I ran lots of errands with The Kid in preparation for back-to-school. As of today he is officially an 8th grader!

on the move with my young man, prepping for back-to-school
maxi dress: Soprano via Marshalls / necklace: Francesca's

on the football field
fedora: Target / denim blazer: GAP / tank: Forever 21 / necklace: Tiffany 

I slipped on the comfy maxi dress above (also seen here) for daytime errands. The Kid's first football game of the season was Saturday night, so I changed into jeans and a tank, adding the summer fedora I snagged from Target (also seen here) to protect my hair from the rainy mist and wind that kicked up.

On Sunday I got much needed rest! This week will be filled with T's schoolwork and football, my work and writing, and preparation for my girlfriend's wedding this weekend. So excited for her nuptials and looking forward the long holiday weekend (both, for which, The Honey will be here too)!