Memorial Day Move

This past Memorial Day Weekend while everyone else was lazing at the pool, stuffing themselves at barbecues and sipping cool cocktails--I was moving into a new humble abode. Trust me, I’m not complaining—this event has been a long time coming; so I’m relieved it has finally come to fruition. The past two weeks has been a marathon of packing, tackling “to-do” lists and running errands; and now that the kid and I are officially in the new place, I’m all at once exhausted and inspired. I am one hundred percent enamored with my master suite, including walk-in closet, and excited about the additional space in general. There are so many ideas swirling around in my head for décor—especially thanks to all the fabulous things I find on Tumblr—yet I have barely enough energy to unpack. So, I have resigned myself to taking it slowly and enjoying the process of watching my ideas unfold as I create a warm and comfortable retreat for us.

It’s so much fun to search for new themes and pieces for a new place. These are some of the things that are currently tickling my decorating fancy:

all photos from my tumblr. Click through the photos for original sources

I hope to get back into the swing of blogging this week. In the meantime: What are some of your favorite things to get for a new place? Do share!

Wishing you all a productive post-Memorial Day week.