Pish Posh Perfect

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How Busy Moms Can Boost Their Confidence with At-Home Teeth Whitening

To be perfectly clear at the start, this post is in collaboration with the team at Smile Brilliant who gifted me with their fabulous at-home teeth whitening system to try for the purposes of this post. As always, all the views expressed within this post are honest, and my own, promise. 

As a mama operating under the influence of a now two-year-old, alllll the caffeine is a daily requirement. I think the only way I would give up drinking coffee or tea would be to get it as an IV drip! Ha! One of the unfortunate side effects of both of these things is the effect they have on my smile. 

Honestly, one of the most challenging things about becoming a new mom was already the blow to my self-confidence. After baby, my body didn’t look like it used to, things didn’t fit the way they used to, and I didn’t feel the way I used to. And one of the reasons was because of my teeth. I became very self-conscious about my smile! I had been considering trying something store bought like white strips to try whitening at home and take care of some of the staining and discoloration, but I hadn’t pulled the trigger yet; and then Smile Brilliant offered me an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. 

Smile Brilliant has a really unique at-home teeth whitening system using custom fitted trays to help brighten and restore the natural color to your teeth. I was excited to try something that might help me love my smile again (especially since the same sort of treatment at the dentist’s office could cost upwards of $500!). 

I agreed to try Smile Brilliant, and they sent me all the supplies I would need for the process: a catalyst and a base paste + 2 bite trays to create impressions of my teeth that would be used to create the custom at- home whitening trays; plus the whitening syringes and a desensitizing gel. There were about 5 super easy steps to create my impressions, which I then sent off to the Smile Brilliant lab, and they sent back my custom fitted trays in about 2 weeks. 

Whitening while making the toddler a snack + the toddler checking out her teeth in the phone’s reflection while Mama whitens.

The requirements for anything I take on these days are that things are quick, simple and fit easily into #toddlermomlife, and whitening with Smile Brilliant fit the bill. There is no messy set up or clean up—I just put the whitening gel into my trays and popped them onto my teeth. I have to admit, the first few treatments seemed kind of time consuming because of the multiple steps; but honestly, once I got the hang of the steps it was so much faster, and of course I quickly did what we moms do and figured out how to multi-task! I tied in whitening while I was doing all of the things around my home, like folding laundry or making the toddler’s lunch for the next day. And I even started whitening while I took a shower, pinned up my hair, or painted my nails, and it came to feel like another part of my nightly self-care routine. 

I know what you’re wondering by now: did it work? So here are my results: 


I whitened for about 4 weeks, and I did experience some sensitivity during my treatments, which is totally normal (and possible with any sort of whitening). The easy solutions for that were that (1) I whitened every other night for about 45 minutes per night, as opposed to doing it every single night; and (2) I started using coconut oil as a base coating over my gums before putting in my whitening trays. And of course, I always made sure to use the desensitizing gel Smile Brilliant provided for at least 20 minutes after every single whitening session. 


Like I said before, giving up caffeine isn’t really an option for me right now, but I did adopt the new habit of using a straw whenever consuming my caffeine so as to hopefully minimize any additional staining affect my daily beverages could have on my teeth. And that said, the main difference I’ve noticed, and am very pleased about, is that there is considerably less staining on my teeth than before! 


Less staining after using Smile Brilliant has created an overall more uniform look for my teeth.

Those stains seemed to pop way more than anything else about my teeth, and were probably one of the things that made me the most uncomfortable. So that alone made my Smile Brilliant experience worth it. The overall effect of minimizing the staining is that my teeth look more uniform in color than they did before, so not necessarily “whiter”, but closer to their natural color, than before. For me, that’s a win! 

And now I have a question for you: Have you been feeling self-conscious about your smile, or looking for a way to boost your confidence a bit? It’s totally possible, Mama, and I’ve got an easy way for you to get started. 

Smile Brilliant has graciously allowed me to offer you an opportunity to try their system for yourself! You can enter here to win a FREE whitening kit of your own, valued at $149! 

Too excited about this product to wait? You can also snag a kit now at the Smile Brilliant site for 15% off their entire site wide, using code: pishposhperfect15

I know it can feel like #momlife is too busy to take time for yourself, but no more, Mama. Here’s a chance to put yourself first—I’m so glad I did.