Pish Posh Perfect

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Get Up Early for Self Care and to Get More Done

It seems the early bird, as they say, really does get the worm. Getting up early has become part of my self-care.

Growing up I was never a morning person, but now that I have a family, I’ve become a convert to early rising! I have come to see the value in early rising to spark productivity and get way more done in a day! It’s actually become a form of self-care. 

I do not consider myself someone who is a “hustler” and I don’t subscribe to grinding at the expense of your physical and mental health. I have seen how going to bed at a *decent* hour, and getting up early can change the shape of my day and affect how much I’m able to accomplish both work-wise and for my family. Getting up early has made me a better mom! 

Here’s what my / my family’s day looks like currently: 


I work from home and could technically sleep in, but most days I’m up around 5:30/6am so I can take advantage of the still and quiet in the house before my family wakes up. Sometimes I meditate or do yoga, sometimes I sip tea and read articles / catch up on industry news. On other days I’ll I try to knock out some work that it might be harder to get to later in the day. No matter how I use it, having that quiet time to myself in the morning helps me to have a more positive outlook on the day, and to basically maintain some semblance of sanity before the bustle of family life begins. Getting up before my family is self-care. 


Our toddler normally wakes up somewhere between 7-7:30am. We start out having a little silly play or snuggle time, and then we get down to making beds, getting dressed and brushing her hair. Then we head down for breakfast. 


Our toddler and I have breakfast together, and during this time we might sing songs or watch educational videos to get her excited for preschool that day. Depending on what’s going on that day, I might also use this time to squeeze in another check of emails or schedule a quick social media post for one of the accounts I manage. 


I’m preschooling our toddler at home this year because of the pandemic, and it is easily becoming one of my favorite positive side effects—she and I are having SO much fun with her learning. We have circle time, go through a few worksheets, practice motor skills or do sensory activities. I have weekly planned themes I created (with help from my sister-in-law who is a Kindergarten teacher!) And preschool-at-home time includes a morning snack and brain breaks or outdoor time. I try to stay really present during school and avoid checking on anything work related. 


By noon, the toddler and I are both ready for lunch! I try to have hers prepped in advance, and she loves to open her bento box and see what’s inside. I’ll usually put together something easy and quick for myself while she eats. 


Even though she stopped taking regular naps in the spring, I try to get the little girl to still engage in some quiet time in the afternoon to try and avoid meltdowns later in the day (for the sake of everyone’s sanity!) She’s allowed to play quietly or read books in bed if she isn’t able to fall asleep. 


At 1:30pm my husband takes over toddler duty, and I’m able to shift gears back into work mode. This is the time when I can usually take  phone calls and virtual meetings. I also use this time to run errands when that’s needed. 

5:00pm - 7:00pm

The early evening is for family time! We have dinner together, Hubs give the toddler her bath and we do her bedtime routine together, putting her down (on most nights) between 7-7:30pm. 


After the toddler goes to bed, I might have virtual evening meetings or events, try to squeeze in a little more work and I always prep for preschool for the next day. I try not to stay at this any later than 8:30/9:00pm so that I have time to decompress in the evening before heading to bed. My goal for bedtime is generally around 11pm. Sometimes I nail that and sometimes I don’t, but it certainly helps to get up earlier, when I can get to bed with enough time for 6+ hours of sleep. 

Now more than ever, with so many people working from home, I think it’s just as important to get an early start on the day and maintain some sense of a daily schedule and routine! How do you use your morning to set up for a productive day? Let me know! I am always here for exchanging all the tips & all the tea ☕️!