Pish Posh Perfect

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The Biggest Lesson I Learned Last Year

The biggest lesson I’ve learned in 2019 is that it’s okay to embrace your season of rest. That’s the time where you can reset and recharge and be ready when the next season of movement comes along. 

This has absolutely been my season of rest, the ebb, if you will, of the cycle of ebb and flow, and I’ve seen this manifest in big ways, like with my freelance personal styling & copywriting work: 2018 and 2019 have been my slowest years since I started working with women and small businesses in 2011. It’s because I’ve prioritized my family, and being a mom, and so I feel okay about having fallen back a bit on working. I haven’t given up on any of my endeavors, in fact I’ve had so many good ideas since I’ve created a little space in my brain.

I’ve also seen this season of rest manifest in smaller ways: we moved to a new home recently, and the past few weeks of planning, packing & moving were so crazy that eventually my body was just like, “enough already!” My back was so crazy sore that I had to sleep with a heating pad every night, my skin was going crazy and breaking out everywhere (I have eczema that’s usually pretty well managed) and I ended up with the worst cold! And so finally, last week, I rested. Even with boxes everywhere and all the things needing to be unpacked and set up, I had to take time to recover in order to do any of the necessary things well. 

Like I said above, even in this slower season, I have had so many great ideas & still have so many creative desires, so I’m curious to see what 2020 will bring. Maybe more on the work front, maybe less, but I’ll be okay with it either way, and embracing each season as it comes. 

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in 2019? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.