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5 Ways to Have a Better Day and Ultimately a Better Life

The easiest way to ensure you have a better day today than you did yesterday is to start with your morning routine; develop healthy habits for the start of each day, and these daily habits that you cultivate will ultimately determine the type of life you lead. After all, a more peaceful and productive you takes more of those tiny steps toward living your best life than you would if you're feeling tired or drained. I find this to be especially true for me: when I am tired, I find it that much harder to feel positive or excited about my projects and I don't want that kind of energy to transfer into my work!

What you do when you rise in the morning sets the tone for the remainder of the day. It is at this time that decisions are made—whether consciously or unconsciously—about the mood or feeling you’ll carry with you, how you will react to the difficulties you may face, and how productively you’ll execute your daily tasks. I like to use my morning routine to set a specific intention each day, for example: focus, balance or productivity. I also try to have my mornings consist of at least 2 of 5 essential elements that are my keys to a fantastic day; lately it's a banner morning if I can make time to fit in all 5 and if I do, you can bet I will powerhouse that day!

Here are 5 things you can do each morning to help ensure you'll have a better day (and ultimately, a better life):

Daily prayers/affirmations – Prayer is the time for speaking and affirmations help you to call in the things you desire. Ask for whatever it is that you will need to get you through the day, whether it is patience, creativity, courage, determination—you know yourself well enough to know what you’ll need in extra doses. GG and I have an entire category full of affirmations that you can access in the PLPT archives

Meditation – Meditation is the time for listening. Spend even as little as 5 minutes per day in silence and gratitude, with an open heart, and you’ll be surprised at the clarity you can achieve. I have the best bursts of creativity and imagination after a quick meditation session. I sometimes like to use Gabby Bernstein's guided meditations to help with focus. 

Exercise – You’ve heard it before: exercising in the morning gives you energy, gears up your metabolism for the day and releases endorphins that help you to be in a great mood. It’s all true. And you don't have to go to the gym to get active--I feel better even after a 15-20 minute workout On Demand (which is often all I have time for lately). 

Vitamins –Take a daily multi-vitamin. Try vitamin E to promote healthy hair, skin and nails. Use Echinacea to promote healthy white blood cells and a strong immune system. Slip a sublingual vitamin B12 for sustained energy throughout the day. Drink Kombucha to revitalize your internal organs and awaken your system. Worth noting: the use of supplements works differently for each individual; listen to your body (or speak with your doctor) so you’ll know what you are in need of and where to supplement.

Healthy Breakfast – Having a healthy breakfast chockful of nutrients is the best way to jump start your body and your healthy eating habits for the rest of the day. Start with super foods that increase metabolism, help you to feel full and give you energy like eggs, veggies, avocado (which is perfect for getting the healthy fats we need right up front) and fresh smoothies or pressed juices. 

By doing these 5 things, over time you will become more peaceful, have more clarity and be more healthy and fit--the key ingredients to a better life. 

What other simple things can you incorporate into your morning routine to help set the intention for your day and build healthy habits for a better life?

*Photo via Tumblr
** A version of this post, entitled '5 Keys to a Fantastic Day' was originally published at PLPT.