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Posh Weekend Plans + Weekly Link Wrap Up {vol. 6}

It’s Friday and I am looking forward to a relaxed weekend. A little bit of rest, a little bit of work, maybe catch a movie and quality time with my young man. I’m already salivating over the Whole30 approved coconut shrimp I’m planning to make tonight along with Chef G. Garvin’s recipe for mango salsa from his cookbook; and the snack of strawberries dipped in raw unsalted almond butter that I saw on Instagram. I’ll try to remember and take pics to share with you lovies next week.

Throughout my online travels this week, I’ve discovered some things that I thought you might enjoy as well, if you’d be so gracious as to allow me to share?

Dear fellow bloggers, please shimmy on over to IFB to read The Reality of Blogging While Working a Full Time Job. While reading it, I had one of those great moments of epiphany where I realized I am not alone in some of my struggles for work/blog/life balance. It’s still all very much worth the early mornings, long hours and weekend work for me—but it is okay to question it to be sure our priorities and our blogging are always aligned with what we view as our ideal lives. There were some great comments on this post as well.

I’ve followed StyleActivist on Instagram for quite some time now (she is one of the reasons I discovered Whole30) but this week I checked out the revamp of her blog and I absolutely adore it. She has quite successfully merged her loves for fashion and wellness into a stylish and well-blended mix of info. Stop by—but only if you want to be totally inspired to pay better attention to your health.

The Glitter Guide featured Bradley Agather of Luella & June in their latest Style at Home feature, and I fell in love with her home. It’s a very feminine mix of white, neutrals and pink accents that any girl would feel comfortable lounging around in.

The Glitter Guide feature led me to the Luella & June blog which is full of even more home décor inspiration, with some of Bradley’s personal style mixed in as well. The picture above is from one of her style entries, and totally drool-worthy. It doesn’t take much more to enamor me to something than it being pink and sequined—but the way she styled her sequin shift over leather pants gives it chic edge. If you’ve packed away your sparkle, relegating it to the holidays, why not whip it back out and sashay around in it this weekend?

Sending you loads of love and magic until Monday!