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Posh Weekend Plans + Weekly Link Wrap Up {vol. 3}

Baby it's cold outside! So I plan to spend most of my time inside this weekend. However, I will be heading out to attend AB's vision boarding party, which I've come to look forward to in the past couple of years. I've found that intentional planning--whether daily, weekly, monthly or annually--is key to setting myself up for success. When I was younger, things just kind of landed in my lap so I had a false sense that this was how life actually worked. WRONG. So I've come to learn the art of planning and goal setting.  

Though this year is almost over, I'm still working on my planning for next year: creating a business plan for my blog and freelance business, recapping my 2012 accomplishments, setting up monthly goals, etc--and knocking out my vision board in a few hours is a great way to gain visual clarity around said vision for the new year. It also doesn't hurt to do it among friends and with snacks!

If you're looking for ways to set yourself up for success in the new year, and to bring your 2013 goals to life, I have a few recommendations for weekend reading to help you get started:

AB shared this article at Essence.com called Ready. Set. Redefine. Restore in 2013 for 'pre-vision boarding' inspiration. The 7 principles listed herein are described as the work one must do in order to create change in the new year. 

This post at the Simply Luxurious Life from earlier this year on Excellence vs. Mediocrity contains great tips as reminders to strive for excellence even as we are setting our goals in place. Make sure they are big enough to stretch you and move you out of your comfort zone. 

The Happy Black Woman blog presents the 10 Top Journaling Questions to Help You Reflect on the Past Year. You have to figure out what worked and what didn't in order to decide how to proceed going forward into the new year, right? 

I have offered Practical Steps Towards Bringing Your Goals to Life over at Peace, Love and Pretty Things. Vision boarding is great, but it's obviously not the only way to plan and stay on track with said plans

Finally, if you are planning to weather the winter cold this weekend (temps will be in the high 30s and low 40s in Maryland), why not do so in chic and cozy style with a graphic print, over-the-knee boots and ultra-warm outerwear, like this look on Kéla of Kéla's closet

Wishing you lots of love and magic until Monday. 

*{photo: Atlantic-Pacific blog}