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Black Friday Goodies: Mario Badescu {Guest Post}

Being a December baby, I have never started my Christmas shopping before December 14th, and I had never partaken in Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals (* gasp *, I know!). However, this year I finally gave in--well was tempted to opt in by a great deal from Mario Badescu. The Black Friday deal was for free shipping on all orders of $50 or more, a free gift, and three free samples. I’ve been using their Glycolic Foaming Cleanser for a few weeks alongside my Clarisonic Mia and absolutely LOVE the combo! So I figured it would be best to take advantage of this sale and find more of their products to incorporate into my skin care regimen.

For $60, I snagged full sized: Control Moisturizer for Oily Skin; Glycolic Grapefruit Cleansing Lotion; Drying Lotion; and Facial Spray with ALo, Herbs, and Rosewater. I also snagged three sample sizes of: the Calma Mask, Cucumber Cleansing Lotion, and the Oil Free Moisturizer with SPF-30. Yes all of that for $60!! What a deal! I am most excited about the Drying Lotion, which is a spot acne treatment. The product claims to shrink whiteheads virtually overnight! I need this in my life!

In my next guest post, I will offer you guys a review of all of my recently scored Mario Badescu goodies! Here’s to a new skin care regimen!

- AB
*{Follow her on Twitter}

Footnote: AB is an absolute skin care maven. I always take her recommendations, and have been hearing her rave about these products for weeks. I was so disappointed I missed the Black Friday deal! * sigh *. At any rate she is gracious enough to share her beauty wisdom here in recurring guests posts! You can get her tips for winterizing your skin care regimen here, and try the awesome DIY hydrating facial she mentions here.