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Winterize Your Beauty Regimen {Guest Post}

It’s officially my favorite season – autumn. The brisk morning air and the colorful foliage mean it is time to make adjustments to not only your wardrobe, but your beauty regimen as well. 


The key to keeping your tresses healthy during the colder winter months is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Hair strands get battered in the winter months by the cold temperatures, and from being snagged on wool hats and scarves. During the winter, be sure to deep condition hair at least once per week and use a heavier moisturizer to help curb breakage. If that seems like too much work, then protective styles like braids, twist, and weaves would be good options! 

Recommendations: Qhemet Biologics Olive & Alma Heavy Cream, Shea Radiance Nourishing Hair Repair Cream, Jessicurl Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatment, Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle Treatment 


To protect your largest organ from the winter weather, the key is yet again to moisturize and do it A LOT! Water is key. Start by making sure to drink tons of water throughout the day, but you should keep steamy hot showers to a minimum. Winter is the time to use a thicker moisturizer on your skin. Two great natural options are 100% pure coconut oil and 100% shea butter. For your lips, be sure to exfoliate with a sugar scrub and to apply shea butter or good ole Vaseline to keep them soft. And one more thing: don’t forget the sunscreen just because it’s winter. 

Recommendations: Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Basin White Sangria Lip Scrub 


Nails take a battering during winter as well, and need to be replenished. Always wear gloves when outdoors to protect your hands from the constant climate change of going from indoors to outdoors. Keep a hand cream in your handbag and moisturize after every time you wash your hands, and every time you come indoors. Once per week, in order to soften hands and strengthen cuticles, soak hands in a small bowl of olive oil and lemon juice for 5 minutes. 

Recommendations: Eos Hand Lotion, Vaseline Total Moisture Healthy Hand Conditioning Lotion, Eucerin Plus Intensive Repaid Hand Crème 

Photos via Pinterest {1, 2, 3}

  AB describes herself as a “funky, intelligent, amusing, natural girl” who shares her musings at her personal blog,..East of the Mississippi. She also uses her feminine point of view to counter the masculine opinions of her male BFF on topics like dating, relationships and online etiquette on a second blog, Friends Don’t Let Friends; where the “he said, she said” style banter incites plenty of laughter and discussion in the comments.